TONFeed TMA serves as the primary social feed interface on Telegram for Nabi Protocol. This digital platform enables all Telegram users to seamlessly view and engage with existing thread content from Telegram Public Group Chats through comments, all consolidated into a single feed.
To unlock additional features such as posting Public Group chat threads via the Nabi Group Chat Aggregator Bot, collecting threads, and connecting with fellow users, it is necessary to have a Nabi Profile.
Access TONFeed via this link: TONFeed Link
Key Features and Characteristics of TONFeed:
Group Chat Thread Aggregation: TONFeed collects and showcases content from Group Chat Threads forwarded by respective Nabi Profile owners.
Customization: Users can personalize their TONFeed Community by commenting on threads from their existing joined Group chat communities. The 'Navigate' tab allows users to discover new trending threads.
Real-time Updates: TONFeed Platform ensures real-time updates, keeping users informed about the latest content from their Telegram Group chat communities.
Universal Interaction and Engagement: Users can seamlessly interact with free-flowing content on TONFeed by commenting, following, collecting, and even mirroring it on their own Profile Feed.
A step-by-step guide is available in this section to explain further.
Last updated