Nabi Badge (Deprecated - Hackaton POC)

Nabi Badge -

(Create an appropriate badge for your group chat members!!)


  1. Invite the Bot into your group chat

  2. Make it an admin (ensure invite users via link option is active)

  3. Enter /create inside your groupchat after inviting the bot and making it admin to initiate a Badge creation. *only an admin of the groupchat can start the process.

  4. A private message will be sent to the admin who started the process by the bot. Follow the verification steps (Open a private chat with the bot too if you are the one creating the badge). *you will need a Nabi profile for this! Use the TON wallet connected to your Nabi profile to verify.

  5. Once the badge has been created, all members of the group who wish to mint the badge should input /mint to start the minting process. *members who wish to mint the badge must have a working Nabi profile. Use the TON wallet connected to your Nabi profile to verify.

  6. Once minted, the badge will reflect in your Nabi profile!

Demo Video here!

Group chat is a core aspect of the identity of Telegram users today. There are many different types of group chats on Telegram, and they define the identity of the users on the platform. The first step in identifying a user's profile is to look at their profile, which represents their presence on the entire Telegram platform.

How it works?

This telegram bot allows users (who are admins of group chats) to mint custom badges for their chat members. These badges (NFTs) serve as a "record" of your contribution to this group.

When first interacting with the bot, click the [Mint Badge] button to begin.

If the bot does not send this initial message, interact with the bot using the /start command.

After selecting your choice of service, either of these two responses will show:

[Mint Badge]

[Mint Badge] *User must be admin of the group.

User selects desired Group chat. Either button or by name.

User uploads information:

  • Image

  • Name of Badge

  • Details of Badge <- not more than X amount of words

  • Amount to Mint (maybe this is removed, for now we should mint to every member in the group chat.)

  • Collection Module (set requirements on who can claim badges)

User connects their wallet or receives link to make payment with code.

Bot checks and compares payment code

Once confirmed, bot mints the desired amount

[Collect Badge]

[Collect Badge] <- User must be part of the group

Users who are part of the group will interact with the bot that is invited into the group.

If users fufil requirements set within the Collect Module by the Admin, then they can claim the badge.

Other additional proposed functions

[Get Badge Detail]

[My own Badges] or [Other Badges]

[My own badges] -> Shows the badges that you own.

[Other Badges] -> "Input name of badge (Case Sensitive)"

Result output.

Things to Determine

  • How and when will then Admin interact with the bot?

  • The Minter bot to directly join the chat then mint and distribute directly or will there be a mother bot that mints the badges and produces a distributer bot that is then invited into a group?

  • How will the White-listing be decided?

  • What are the parameters for the Collect Module?

  • Any other additional features?

Last updated