
Publication Objects

GraphQL Schema
# Publication is a union type which can resolve to either types based on their attributes
union Publication = Post | Comment | Mirror


GraphQL Schema
type Post {
  postId: String
  contractPublicationId: String
  createdAt: DateTimeISO
  profileId: String!
  profile: Profile
  contentUri: String
  contentS3Uri: String
  metadataUri: String
  metadataS3Uri: String
  contractAddress: String
  collectNftAddress: String
  referenceImplementation: String
  referenceReturnData: String
  isRelatedToPost: String
  isRelatedToComment: String
  publicationContext: PublicationContext
  primaryContentType: PublicationContentType!
  txHash: String
  timeoutRequest: Boolean
  appId: String
  blockTimestamp: DateTimeISO
  createdBlockHash: String
  metadataVersion: String
  language: String
  region: String
  contentWarning: PublicationContentWarning
  tagsVector: String
  customFiltersFlagged: Boolean
  content: String
  comments: [Comment]
  mirrors: [Mirror]
  nftCollection: [Collect]
  stats: PublicationStats
  isDispatched: Boolean


  • profile: Fetches the Profile of the publication owner

  • postId: Only populated after Post smart contract is deployed

  • metadataUri and metadataS3Uri: Location of Post content metadata

  • contractAddress: Smart contract address of Post

  • collectNftAddress: Post NFT collection contract address

  • region: The country or region where the user group is located in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard

  • language: The primary language of this Post in ISO 639-1 alpha 2 standard

Related Fields:

  • comments: List of Comments made on this Post

  • mirrors: List of Mirrors made of this Post

  • nftCollection: List of Collects of this Post

  • stats: Statistics of Post

  • Other related enums/types: Publication Content Metadata


GraphQL Schema
type Comment {
  id: String!
  commentId: String
  contractPublicationId: String
  createdAt: DateTimeISO
  profileId: String!
  profile: Profile
  contentUri: String
  contentS3Uri: String
  contractAddress: String
  collectNftAddress: String
  referenceImplementation: String
  referenceReturnData: String
  isRelatedToPost: String
  post: Post
  isRelatedToComment: String
  publicationContext: PublicationContext
  primaryContentType: PublicationContentType!
  txHash: String
  timeoutRequest: Boolean
  appId: String
  blockTimestamp: DateTimeISO
  createdBlockHash: String
  metadataVersion: String
  language: String
  region: String
  contentWarning: PublicationContentWarning
  tagsVector: String
  customFiltersFlagged: Boolean
  content: String
  stats: PublicationStats
  isDispatched: Boolean


  • commentId: Only populated after comment smart contract is deployed

  • metadataUri and metadataS3Uri: Location of Comment content metadata

  • isRelatedToPost: The postId of the Post commented on

  • contractAddress: Smart contract address of Comment

  • collectNftAddress: Comment NFT collection contract address

  • region: The country or region where the user group is located in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard

  • language: The primary language of this Post in ISO 639-1 alpha 2 standard

Related Fields:

  • profile: Fetches the Profile of the publication owner

  • stats: Statistics of Comment

  • post: The original Post this comment is on

  • Other related enums/types: Publication Content Metadata


type Mirror {
  id: String!
  mirrorId: String
  contractPublicationId: String
  createdAt: DateTimeISO
  profileId: String!
  profile: Profile
  contentUri: String
  contentS3Uri: String
  contractAddress: String
  collectNftAddress: String
  referenceImplementation: String
  referenceReturnData: String
  isRelatedToPost: String
  post: Post
  isRelatedToComment: String
  publicationContext: PublicationContext
  primaryContentType: PublicationContentType!
  txHash: String
  timeoutRequest: Boolean
  appId: String
  blockTimestamp: DateTimeISO
  createdBlockHash: String
  metadataVersion: String
  language: String
  region: String
  contentWarning: PublicationContentWarning
  tagsVector: String
  customFiltersFlagged: Boolean
  content: String
  stats: PublicationStats
  isDispatched: Boolean


  • mirrorId: Only populated after Mirror smart contract is deployed

  • isRelatedToPost: The postId of Post which this Mirror is mirroring

  • metadataUri and metadataS3Uri: Location of Mirror content metadata

  • contractAddress: Smart contract address of Mirror

  • collectNftAddress: Mirror NFT collection contract address

  • region: The country or region where the user group is located in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard

  • language: The primary language of this Post in ISO 639-1 alpha 2 standard

Related Fields:

  • profile: Fetches the Profile of the publication owner

  • stats: Statistics of this Mirror

  • post: The original Post that is mirrored

  • Other related enums/types: Publication Content Metadata

Last updated