Badges DB
Table: badge_collections
name | type | |
id | String | |
name | String (50) | Name of the Badge Collection |
description | String? | |
created_at | DateTime | |
profile_id | String | Foreign key: |
block_timestamp | DateTime? | Time of Badge Collection's NFT Collection mint |
contract_address | String | |
collect_nft_address | String | |
metadata_uri | String? | Decentralised storage url of the NFT Collection's metadata |
metadata_s3_uri | String | Centralised storage url of the NFT Collection's metadata |
created_block_hash | String? (66) | Transaction hash of the NFT Collection's mint |
collection_image_s3_uri | String? | URL of the Badge Collection's Image, used as the NFT Collection's image source |
Table: badge_items
name | type | notes |
id | String | |
created_at | DateTime | |
profile_id | String | Foreign key: |
initiated_by | String | Foreign key: |
block_timestamp | DateTime? | Time of Badge's NFT Item mint |
| |
nft_contract | String? (48) | Contract address of the minted Badge NFT Item |
nft_token_id | String? | Onchain integer count of the NFT Item minted within the NFT Collection |
nft_chain_id | Int? | |
metadata_uri | String? | Decentralised storage uri of Badge item's NFT Item metadata |
metadata_s3_uri | String? | Centralised storage uri of Badge item's NFT Item metadata |
created_block_hash | String? (66) | Transaction hash of Badge NFT Item mint |
badge_image_s3_uri | String? | URL of image for the Badge NFT Item. |
name | String (50) | |
description | String? | |
collection_id | String | Foreign key: |
Last updated