Since postId are only available after the Post smart contract is deployed, we provide 2 queries to fetch Post, using PostId or Id. Both queries yield the same output,
GraphQL Schema
typeQuery { post(postId: String!): Post postById(id: String!): Post}
{"data": {"post": {"__typename":"Post","id":"58","postId":"0x6-0x2","contractPublicationId":"0x2","profileId":"0x6","profile": {"handle":"LunarLily", "metadataS3Url": ""
}, "contentS3Uri": "",
"content": "Sometimes one can have the best date with oneself and I'm feeling empowered! \nRemember to love yourself first and the rest will fall into place 💕👩❤️👩 \n#SelfLove #SingleLife #web3",
"comments": [],"mirrors": [],"stats": {"totalCollects":0,"totalComments":0,"totalMirrors":0 } } }}