Nabi Badge Bot Guide

Welcome to the Step-by-Step Guide for using Nabi's Badge Bot!

This guide will walk you through the seamless interaction with our Telegram bot that is integrated with Web3 functionality. With this powerful combination, you can effortlessly access The Open Network (TON) for your decentralised social networking services , all through the familiar interface of your Telegram app. (need to revise)

Step 1: Start the Bot

  1. Open your Telegram app.

  2. Make sure you are logged into Nabi's Tonfeed Bot with your Nabi profile.

  3. Search for Nabi Badge Bot and start a chat.

  4. Start a conversation by pressing the start button.

Step 2: Main Menu Functions

  1. Your Nabi profile will be automatically logged onto the Nabi Badge Bot.

  2. Create Nabi Badge

    • You will be prompted to enter the name of the Nabi Badge that you wish to create.

    • You will be promted to enter a picture of the Nabi Badge that you wish to create.

    • You will receive a notification once the Badge has been created and ready to be minted!

  3. Mint Nabi Badge

    • This will allow to you mint Nabi Badges created by other Nabi users.

  4. Mint Nabi Badge to Recipient

    • This will allow to mint Nabi Badges created by you to other Nabi users.

  5. My Collections - What is this? need to explain

  6. My Badges - What is this? need to explain

Last updated