🤔Why do we need Nabi Protocol?

The need for a standard

A standard in Web3 social graph data is necessary for a number of reasons;

  • Interoperability: A standard in Web3 social graph data would allow different applications to interoperate with each other. This would make it easier for users to move their social data between different applications, and it would also make it easier for developers to build new applications that can integrate with existing social graph data.

  • Scalability: A standard in Web3 social graph data would make it easier to scale social graph data. This would help to ensure that social graph data can be stored and accessed efficiently, and it would also make it easier to add new users and new social connections. This also helps the existing applications and empowers developers to make better ones for ecosystem.

  • Trustless and secure: This ensures that the data is stored in a secure and tamper-proof manner as applications that rely on user trust especially in social networks.

Avoidance of duplicate development

  • Efficiency

Duplicate development can result in redundant efforts and resources being allocated to create similar functionalities or features. By avoiding duplication, developers can focus their efforts on innovating and building new functionalities that enhance the overall user experience and ecosystem.

  • Interoperability

With Nabi Protocol, interoperability allows seamless user experiences. If multiple applications within the ecosystem duplicate development efforts, it becomes challenging to establish a unified and interconnected experience. By coordinating development efforts and adhering to common standards, applications can easily integrate and share data, creating a more cohesive user experience.

  • User Experience

Duplicate development can lead to fragmentation and inconsistency in user experiences. When different decentralised applications have redundant features or varying user interfaces, it can confuse users and hinder their adoption of the decentralized social network. A cohesive and consistent user experience across applications encourages user engagement and fosters a stronger network effect.

  • Data Portability

Avoiding duplicate development facilitates data portability. Users should have the ability to seamlessly move their data, profiles, and social connections between different applications within the decentralized social network. When duplicate development is minimized, it becomes easier for users to switch between applications without losing their data or starting from scratch.

  • Ecosystem Growth

A decentralized social network thrives when there is collaboration and cooperation among developers and applications. By avoiding duplication and encouraging collaboration, the ecosystem can grow more rapidly, with diverse applications providing unique features and services that complement each other.

  • Fragmentation of the ecosystem

Duplicated development can also lead to fragmentation of the ecosystem. If there are multiple social graph protocols, it can be difficult for developers and users to choose which one to use. This can lead to a fragmented ecosystem with little interoperability between different protocols.

  • Security risks

Duplicated development can also pose security risks. If multiple teams are working on the same code, it is more likely that someone will make a mistake. This can lead to security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

Growth Stimulus For TON EcoSystem

To ensure universal accessibility, the Nabi protocol can serve as a catalyst for the TON ecosystem. By operating as a non-profit entity, the protocol becomes available to all individuals, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

To establish trust and credibility, the Nabi protocol prioritizes the protection of user data, abstaining from any financial incentives associated with its misuse or sale. This commitment helps foster trust among users and bolsters the protocol's credibility, attracting a larger user base within the TON ecosystem.

By facilitating effortless connectivity and information sharing, the Nabi protocol promotes increased adoption of the TON blockchain. Through the provision of a decentralized social graph platform, users can easily connect with one another, while developers gain a streamlined approach to utilizing social graph data for their applications within a unified platform.

Greater adoption leads to enhanced innovation, as a larger developer community joins the ecosystem to create novel and groundbreaking applications. This surge in innovation drives the growth and utility of the ecosystem, benefitting a diverse range of applications and expanding its overall potential.

Last updated