πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦What is Social Graph Protocol?

What is Social graph protocol?

A decentralized social graph is a network structure that captures the relationships and connections between users in a decentralized manner. It serves as a graph database that encompasses social connections, interactions, activities, achievements, and associations within a decentralized social network.

In contrast to the traditional social graph used by centralized social media platforms, where user connections and relationships are controlled by a central authority, a decentralized social graph distributes ownership and control of these connections among the users themselves or stores them on a decentralized network like a blockchain.

Through the Nabi social graph protocol, our aim is to facilitate access of user social activity data and relationships within our infrastructure. This approach provides a unified access point for decentralized application developers, enabling them to leverage all the user's social data for their respective DApps. By utilizing the Nabi social graph protocol, developers can efficiently tap into a comprehensive range of user social data to enhance the functionality of their decentralized applications.

This decentralized nature of the of Nabi social graph offers several advantages mentioned below, including increased privacy, reduced dependency on centralized platforms, resistance to censorship, and the potential for interoperability between different decentralized applications (DApps) that utilize the social graph.

Compare with 3rd Party Authentication

Third-party authentication involves the process of users logging into an application using their credentials from a third-party service like Google, Facebook, or Twitter. This differs from traditional authentication methods where usernames and passwords are stored on the application's servers.

Our objective here is to capture the core concept of third-party authentication and replicate the advantages of having a centralized access point for user social activity data and relationships within the decentralized social network services space. With Nabi, users no longer need to recreate their social profiles when logging into different DApps.

By logging in with Nabi, users can effortlessly connect and access all their pre existing social activity data and relationships from other DApps within the Nabi ecosystem. This includes their social feeds, achievements, and activities, which are seamlessly shared across various DApps.

What is Social graph data?

In Web3, social graph data is stored on decentralized networks, such as blockchains and decentralized storage. This means that users have control over their data, and they can choose who has access to it. Additionally, social graph data in Web3 is more transparent, as users can see exactly how their data is being used.

Here are some of the benefits of using a decentralized social graph in Web3:

  • Ownership: Users own their social data and control who has access to it. This means that users can be more confident that their data is secure and that it will not be used without their permission.

  • Transparency: Social graph data in Web3 is more transparent, as users can see exactly how their data is being used. This can help to build trust and accountability between users and platforms.

  • Interoperability: Social graph data in Web3 is more interoperable, as users can easily move their social data between different platforms. This can give users more freedom to choose the platforms that they use and to be less reliant on any single platform.

Node / Relation

A node is a point of connection in an individual’s network and it could be anything that connects an individual to another person or group. For example, a node could be a shared interest, a common experience, or a geographical location.

Nodes are important for building relationships and communities. When users have nodes in common with other users such as persons, documentation or even a picture, there will be something to talk about and connect over. This can help individuals to build stronger relationships and to feel more connected.

Nodes and relations are used to build decentralized applications in a number of ways. For example, nodes can be used to store user data, such as social media profiles or financial transactions. Relations can be used to represent connections between users, such as friends or followers.

Nodes and relations can also be used to build decentralized applications that are more transparent and accountable.

For example, nodes can be used to store the code for decentralized applications, so that anyone can see how the application works. Relations can be used to track the history of transactions, so that anyone can see who owns what.

Nodes and relations are a powerful tool for building decentralized applications. They allow developers to create applications that are more transparent, accountable, and secure.

Examples of nodes and relations in Web3:

  • User Profiles: Each user maintains their own decentralized profile, containing information such as their name, bio, profile picture, and other optional details. The user has control over their profile data and can decide what information to share and with whom.

  • Connections and Relationships: Users can establish connections with other users in a decentralized social network. These connections represent relationships, such as friendships, follows, or mutual interests. The ownership and control of these connections are distributed among the users themselves rather than being controlled by a central authority.

  • Activity Logs: Users' activities, such as posting content, commenting, liking, or sharing, are recorded on the blockchain or a decentralized ledger. This creates an immutable and transparent record of their interactions within the network.

  • Decentralized Messaging: Users can communicate with each other through decentralized messaging protocols. These protocols ensure end-to-end encryption and secure peer-to-peer communication, bypassing the need for centralized servers.

  • Data Ownership and Control: In a decentralized social network, users have ownership and control over their personal data. They can choose how their data is used, shared, and accessed by others within the network, providing greater privacy and control compared to centralized platforms.

  • Interoperability: Decentralized social networks can enable interoperability, allowing users to access and share their data across different decentralized applications (DApps) within the ecosystem.

Last updated