🏆Nabi Road Map

The team behind Nabi Protocol continues to improve the software and services at all levels: smart contracts, libraries and applications.

Q2 2023: Research and POC Stage

  • Conducted comprehensive research on decentralized social graph protocols and related technologies.

  • Developed a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) to showcase the technical feasibility and potential of the Nabi Protocol for Hack-a-TONx w/ DoraHacks.

  • Outlined the core features and functionalities to be included in the protocol.

Q3 2023: Alpha Development

  • Initiate the development of the Alpha version of the Nabi Protocol.

  • Implement basic features for users to create and manage their Nabi Profiles and social graphs.

  • Focus on establishing a solid foundation for the protocol's architecture and infrastructure.

  • Creation of sample Telegram Bots.

  • Open API integration.

Q4 2023: Beta Development

  • Develop Module for each Nabi core feature logic.

  • Develop the Beta version, adding more advanced functionalities such as interaction between users and DApp.

  • Launch a closed beta testing phase, allowing a limited number of users and DApp developers to test the protocol and provide feedback.

  • Promote Nabi onboarding with Ton Starter/Ton Accelerator projects to join the Nabi ecosystem on TON.

  • Collaboration with other independent projects to join the Nabi Ecosytem on TON.

  • Gather insights from closed beta testers to identify areas for improvement and refinement.

Q1 2024: Closed and Open Beta Testing

  • Launch a closed beta testing phase, allowing a limited number of users and DApp developers to test the protocol and provide feedback.

  • Promote Nabi onboarding with Ton Starter/Ton Accelerator projects to join the Nabi ecosystem on TON.

  • Collaboration with other independent projects to join the Nabi Ecosytem on TON.

  • Gather insights from closed beta testers to identify areas for improvement and refinement.

  • Develop TON wallet that is aligned with TON social

  • Transition from closed beta to an open beta testing phase, allowing a wider user base to participate.

  • Refine the user experience based on feedback received from closed beta testers.

  • Further optimize the protocol's performance, security, and scalability based on real-world usage.

Q2 2024: V1 Protocol Launch with New Features

  • Officially launch the Version 1 (V1) of the Nabi Protocol to the public.

  • Introduction of new features such as token gating, enabling creators to set access requirements for their content.

  • Implement a decentralized advertising mechanism to facilitate monetization within the ecosystem.

  • Continue monitoring user feedback and iterate on the protocol based on user experiences and suggestions.

Last updated