🐳Integrate with Nabi

Potential collaborations with Nabi protocol such as partnerships with decentralized social media projects unlocking innovative use cases mentioned below that will provide seamless integration of social actividy data and relations to enhanced social engagement within the decentralized ecosystem.

GroupChat Badge

A group chat badge is a digital credential that can be used to represent a person's identity and characteristics. It is a way to clearly show what interests or skill sets a person has.

Group chat badges are created in a way that they can be used for professional or personal networking. In Telegram, group chat badges can be used to identify people who are interested in the same things or who have the same skills. This can make it easier to find people to connect with and collaborate with.

Use Case:

  • Users can earn and share decentralized social badges that represent their skills and knowledge and share it in their groupchats within their social graph.

  • Accessing a Nabi user’s groupchat badge collection can provide an inside view of the user’s social identity. For example, a Nabi user with TON, ETH & Bitcoin trading badges will indicate that the user’s interest is in Crypto trading.

Users are able to easily share their NFT Gallery to others to view their NFT collection. This also thus makes it ideal for providing proof of ownership. NFT galleries can also be used for gamification purposes.

Use Case:

  • A game developer could create an NFT gallery that allows players to display their in-game achievements and membership exclusivity. This would add a layer of competition, community belonging and social interaction to the game.

Profile Login (additional profile data or pre-existing profile data)

With Nabi protocol, users can log into other decentralised applications with the option to “Log in with Nabi” on their interface thus allowing users to log in with their existing profile login social data. This way, Nabi protocol can create a more personalized experience for each user.

Here are some of the benefits of Profile Login;

  • To improve security: By requiring users to log in with their existing profile data, Nabi protocol can improve security by making it more difficult for unauthorized users to create fake accounts. This can help to prevent spam, trolling, and other forms of abuse.

  • To facilitate cross-platform interoperability: By allowing Nabi users to log in with their existing profile data, decentralized social networks can facilitate cross-platform interoperability. This means that users can access their profiles and content on different platforms, regardless of which platform they originally created their profile on.

  • To reduce the risk of data breaches: By storing profile data on a decentralized network, decentralized social networks can reduce the risk of data breaches. This is because decentralized networks are not controlled by a single entity, which makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to all of the data on the network.

Here are some additional benefits of using Profile Login with pre-existing data/history on Nabi protocol:

  • Ownership of data: Users own their own data when they use Profile Login. This means that they can control who has access to their data and how it is used.

  • Privacy: Users can choose to share only the data that they want to share when they use Nabi Profile Login. This helps to protect their privacy and keep their personal information safe.

  • Transparency: Users can see exactly how their data is being used when they use Profile Login. This helps to build trust and confidence.

Activity & Achievement Logging & Sharing

Activity and achievement logging and sharing is the process of tracking and sharing user activity and achievements on the decentralised social network. This can include things like posting, liking, commenting, and sharing content. It can also include things like completing challenges, earning badges, and reaching milestones.

Activity and achievement logging and sharing can be used to:

  • Track user engagement: DApps interfaced with Nabi protocol can use activity and achievement logging to track how users are engaging with the network. This information can be used to improve the user experience and to make the network more engaging for users.

  • Achievement system: DApps interfaced with Nabi protocol can use activity and achievement logging to create an achievement system. This can be used to reward users for their participation on the network. For example, a user could be rewarded with a badge for completing a challenge on a GameFi DApp or for reaching a certain number of followers on a social feed DApp. Users then are able to instantly broadcast these achievements on their social graph across the Nabi ecosystem.

  • Leaderboards: DApps interfaced with Nabi protocol can use activity and achievement logging to create leaderboards. This can be used to promote competition among users. For example, a leaderboard could track the number of posts that users have made or the number of likes that users have received. Users then are able to instantly broadcast these activity on their social graph across the Nabi ecosystem.

  • Recommendations: DApps interfaced with Nabi protocol can use activity and achievement logging to make recommendations to users. For example, a user could be recommended to follow other users who have similar interests or who have posted similar content. Users then are able to instantly share the recommendations on their social graph across the Nabi ecosystem.

  • Personalized content: DApps interfaced with Nabi protocol can use activity and achievement logging to personalize the content that users see. For example, a user could be shown content that is relevant to their interests or that is likely to be of interest to them based on their past activity.

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